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Team Dalmatians

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8:00 AM

Good Morning

8:02 AM

How are you doing?

8:03 AM

I'm awesome. And how are you doing?

8:05 AM

I'm great. How is your family?

8:05 AM

We're all great

8:08 AM

That's wonderful.

8:10 AM

I just wanted to check up on you.

8:10 AM

Thanks so much.

8:11 AM

No problem

8:13 AM


Please, how about the business we discussed last week

9:45 AM

I haven't gotten any feed back from your team.

9:50 AM

My bad. I will check my email and find out why.

10:16 AM

That's fine. I will be waiting for your meassage.

10:17 AM

Thanks for the help.

10:17 AM